Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ok...take 2!

Last years disaster with birds and other unnamed rodents had me disappointed but not so much as to try again this year.

I've gone all for bust. Constructed two 4'x4' raised beds, purchased fencing and have lots of bird mesh. Indoors Cielo helped start beets, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, swiss chard, a variety of lettuces, spinach, squashes and a ton of different herbs. I got 3 raspberry, 2 blueberry and 4 strawberry plants get going as well as a lemon drop tree.

The cold weather and rain this week has postponed planting for another week so it gives me a little time to figure out how to fence off where the herb garden will be.

Please animals stay away I don't want to have to get vicious :)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Where to find the time!!!

Two tomato plants survived the transplant - I think the birds got the other two! All the squash is doing well. Alessandra helps water now and plays in the mud :)

Inside, the mint was the last to sprout. All are looking well and oh so cute.

I really want to get a thornless lime tree, I saw some the other day - but there was no way this week. We had crankiness almost every morning, so priorities first back to two nap times!

The EcoComposter is here - yeah!! however, it looks like quite a project to put together. I'll take pictures when we are rolling it around the yard :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009 beware THE BIRDS!!

I'm going to chase them around with a broom if they come after my tiny tomato and squash plants!!

I taste tested the microgreens - and boy! are they HOT! Not sure we are going to like them....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Back to the Windowsill...

So I decided to start more seeds more basil, cilantro too come. But I also added Mint, Chives and Sage and started red-leaf lettuce. I need to get the squash into the ground but I've been very hesitant, I think I need some sort of coverings to keep the birds away...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ugh! The Birds!!!

They are eating my seeds!!! The Basil and Cilantro I think have been completely scavenged but some beautiful birds! Several holes in the dirt this morning with the innocent looking birds pecking away all around :( So sad...

I guess I'll try again, I might put chicken wire over for a while until they grow.

New seedlings being started today in the egg carton, red-leaf lettuce, chives and then outside sage and mint. And I'm going to transplant all the squash, tomatoes and microgreens outside.